Saturday, February 9, 2013

Burlap Mini Interchangeable Banner

When deciding to make a burlap banner we thought let's make a
neutral one that you can interchange between holidays.
Why make 100 different banners?
Make one neutral background and change out the embellishments.
Now that's Just Plane Smart!
Our mini burlap interchangeable banner.
The great thing about making your own is being able to custom adjust the size.
More pennants, less pennants, bigger ones or smaller ones.
And you can make it fit your frame, or mirror, etc.
 Regular burlap found at JoAnn's on sale for $2.99 a yard.
Cut your triangles out any size you desire.
 Burlap is messy folks!
Don't wear black, and cut over something.
We also slightly burned our edges to stop the fraying.
You can easily light it on fire, remember lightly burn the edges.
 Handy dandy glue gun for the ribbon.
Glue your burlap in the middle and fold the ribbon over evenly.
Leave some on each end for hanging.
 We found this burlap-looking chevron ribbon at Hobby Lobby
for .99 cents, and it was 50% off.  Score!
Doesn't it look just like burlap.
Perfect for your banner.
 We would always say use an odd number of pennants
whatever size you are making.
 Here comes the interchangeable part.
Using mini clothespins we clipped our shamrocks
{pre-cut in a bag at JoAnn's $1 section}
These shamrocks also have sticky backing so you could stick them if you wanted to.
Why cut all those shapes when you can buy them for $1,
plus they are thick and feel sturdy.
Let your imaginations run wild.
You could spell Luck, or Lucky, or Irish
on your banner.  Use alternating colors of shamrocks,
you get the idea, the possibilities are endless.
Same banner now for Valentines day.
This heart is from a pack of table scatter glitter hearts found at the Dollar Store.
Who doesn't love some glitter?
 If you want specifically a Valentines banner choose a ribbon 
that is your color or theme.  
 Wahsi tape!
We are loving all the endless ideas on how to use wash tape.
Perfect for hanging your burlap banner on your frame.
 You can see how many ways your banner will transform.
We are thinking mustaches for Father's Day, eggs for Easter,
stars for 4th of July.  Are you loving the versatility of this burlap banner?

Burlap is so fun to play around with because virtually it is a blank canvas.
We love the idea of one cute background being able to be 
used for many holidays or parties.
We also can't wait to make a bigger version,
would be darling with painted XOXO on it.

Happy crafting!

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