We were super excited to help our Mom throw a
bridal shower at her house over the weekend.
When throwing a shower it is fun to do it in different colors than
the bride's wedding colors. That way both events stand out
as separate parties.
{Contact us for any custom invitation creation}
We are going to share real quick the recipe for the
Cheesecake Salad because believe me you will want it.
Plus everyone will ask you for it once you make it.
{created here a little different for the shower, but
sure to be the hit of ANY event you do}
1 large pkg of Jello Cheesecake pudding
1 Cup milk
8 oz whipped topping {in a tub}
1 sleeve of graham crackers
1-2 T sugar
1/2 cube melted butter
any fruit you want.
Mix pudding with 1 cup milk.
Put in fridge to set.
In large bag smash your graham crackers and combine with butter and sugar.
Set graham cracker crumb topping aside.
When pudding is set up fold in whipped topping,
part of your graham cracker topping and any fruit.
{we prefer blueberries, raspberries and strawberries}
Finish with a small amount of graham cracker topping.
Believe us it is "Just Plane Yummy!

Served here as Cheesecake Shooters for the shower.
When you print custom signage you can pull all your colors together.
We used frames we already had,
and we always use our trusty IKEA .99 cent plastic white frames
Just think you can spray paint them in any color to match your
theme too if you wanted.
Plus we print our 4x6 prints at Costco where they are
only .13 cents!
Mini Chicken Croissant Sandwiches.
Mini Fruit Pizzas.
Sugar cookies with a cream cheese frosting,
then you embellish with any fruit you want.
The Lazy Susan of fruit and cookies make it fun and easy
for guests to build their mini pizzas.
We love any excuse to throw a party!
And we couldn't be more excited for Shayla to be getting married.
The beaming bride below.
Don't think party food has to be fancy-schmancy,
just easy to grab, and even fun to make like our
mini fruit pizzas.
People love to make their own anything, the same idea
of having anytime of topping bar at an event.
Just Plane Blissful!